Move-out day is a "Christmas blessing" for BDHH guest

It’s move out day for one of our guests!

Jeff got two great job offers recently and took one he’s really excited about. He’s now able to pay rent and has found a more permanent place to stay. He called it his “Christmas blessing.”

Jeff has been staying at the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House on and off for years. He even knew Bishop Paul Vincent Dudley himself – and was confirmed into the catholic church by the shelter’s namesake.

“He would be proud of the work you guys do here,” Jeff said of the BDHH. “He had a vision: that he was going to help people in need after he was gone, and that’s what this place is doing.”

As Jeff cleaned out his locker Tuesday, the other men wished him good luck. One even said, “I think you’ve really found it this time.” And Jeff said: “Me too. Good luck guys!”