Guest Update: Joseph

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Remember Joseph? If you missed his story the first time around check it out HERE

Joseph has spent the last couple months trying to get things in order to get back on his feet and move out of the shelter. He has recovered from COVID-19, paid down old fines and yesterday he finally got his ID! Today was a bittersweet day because Joseph officially moved of the Bishop Dudley House. He hopped on a bus and is headed out to Spearfish, SD. He has work and an apartment lined up and is so excited to for his next chapter. This move brings him closer to his son and his two little granddaughters that lovingly refer to him as Papa Joe. Joseph was such a kind soul and we will certainly miss him around the Bishop Dudley House (and he says he will miss us all too!) but we are so excited to see him move forward. Joseph told us that he is so grateful for all the ways we helped and supported him during this time. Without your support we wouldn’t have success stories like this one. Thank you to all of our donors and volunteers for the important role you play in our guests success!