Meet our Guests: Oliver & Issac

Meet Oliver and Issac.


Oliver and Issac found the doors of the Bishop Dudley House shortly after Oliver gained custody of Issac and had no where else to go. Oliver was employed and was working on saving up enough money for a deposit on an apartment. During the day while Oliver was at work Issac went to the Boys and Girls club before coming back to the shelter and calling one of our family rooms their temporary home. There are many different programs that help families get back on their feet but navigating those, while trying to keep employment and take care of your children, is difficult. Oliver worked with Ashley, our Family Coordinator, to get connected to a program with Community Outreach. This program is for people who are already employed and it connects them with a case worker who helps them secure an apartment and other needs. It wasn’t long before Oliver passed on the news that they were moving out! We were so thrilled to send them off with a basket of goodies to help make their apartment feel like home. Congrats Oliver and Issac, we are so proud of you!